
Primary Maths App for Better Number Sense

Outnumber helps develop flexible learners and non-linear thinkers

Primary Mathematics (4–11 years)

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Primary maths app that improves reasoning

"We only think when we are confronted with problems" — John Dewey

4 Core Numeracy Strands to promote key 21st Century Skills7 Levels aligned with primary learning age (4–11 years)285+ Learning Outcomes curated from leading national curriculums1000+ Bite-size Guided Lessons with progress trackers5000+ Interactive Problems that promote number sense and reasoning Onyx Learning Assistant powered by Qognitive Technology

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Learn from feedback loops

"There is no failure. Only feedback." — Robert Allen

Learn from feedback loopsExplore concepts in the playgroundSearch snippets for audio-visual explanations Build reasoning skills with OnyxTrack progress in dashboards Organise group learning

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Build reasoning skills with Onyx

The Outnumber Curriculum Approach

Build mathematical skills for the digital age

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Getting started is easy

Learn how innovation is changing the way we learn mathematics

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Primary maths app that promotes 21st century skills

We have a multidisciplinary approach, bringing together innovations in three areas — curriculum design, cognitive science and modern digital technologies

Number Sense, Creativity & Critical Thinking

Maths is about more than numbers and equations. It’s problem-solving. It’s investigative. It’s about exploration.

21st Century Skills

Numerical reasoning, number sense, research, inquiry, collaboration, creativity, information-use and critical thinking are all skills that define a well-rounded mathematician who is able to adapt to everyday mathematical scenarios and demands. Our application appreciates the importance of context to learning, adding richness and reality to concepts to facilitate a deeper understanding.

Cognitive Science

Understanding our brains and how we learn is fundamental to successfully acquiring knowledge and skills that serve us well into the future. By applying a range of cognitive-based learning strategies, The Outnumber app maximises on both user engagement and knowledge retention for an immersive and productive learning experience.

Celebrate mistakes

Mistakes are integral to the learning process and research has shown that they can actually help our brains grow.

Innovation in Mathematics Learning

Integrating tech into mathematics learning helps to develop flexible thinkers, paving the way for the creativity demanded by the modern-day and future workplace.

Digital Innovation

Modern digital technologies can play a key role in tailoring the learning experience for each user. Addressing gaps in individual knowledge makes way for self-paced learning that neither holds children back nor pushes them too quickly. Our learning application adapts to the student, creating a learning environment that is motivating and appropriately scaled, leaving no child behind.

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Primary maths app that develops independent learners

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